Posters of the protest

By Winnie Yoe, The Dartmouth Staff | 10/12/11 3:18pm



Stu­dents and com­mu­nity mem­bers gath­ered on the "free speech" space on the Green yes­ter­day af­ter­noon and evening to protest a va­ri­ety of is­sues. Some peo­ple took this more se­ri­ously than oth­ers and any­one walk­ing by was treated to a nice va­ri­ety of poster aes­thet­ics.


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Win­nie Yoe

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Win­nie Yoe

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Win­nie Yoe / The Dart­mouth Staff

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Win­nie Yoe / The Dart­mouth Staff

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Kather­ine Arm­strong / The Dart­mouth Staff

Winnie Yoe, The Dartmouth Staff