Peet '98 pursues career on the racetrack

By Felicia Schwartz, The Dartmouth Staff | 10/13/11 3:37pm



Shaun Peet '98 is a lit­tle bit dif­fer­ent from the typ­i­cal NASCAR pit crew mem­ber. Un­like many of his rac­ing peers, he got his foot in the pro­fes­sional ath­let­ics door by play­ing hockey at Dart­mouth and a num­ber of pro leagues in Amer­ica and Canada.

An 18-game sus­pen­sion for his part in a brawl in the 2001-02 hockey sea­son moved Peet from the ice to as­phalt. While serv­ing his sus­pen­sion, he met a fan in the stands in Green­boro, N.C. who was in­volved in rac­ing. Peet then toured a race shop with his par­ents and the shop of­fered him a job. Since then, Peet has worked his way up the NASCAR lad­der and cur­rently works with the Red Bull rac­ing team.

Peet is the only Cana­dian on the pit road and the only Ivy Lea­guer, he said in an in­ter­view with Post­media News.

"I'm a real NASCAR anom­aly," he told Post­media.

Felicia Schwartz, The Dartmouth Staff