Choir behind the commotion on the Green

By The Dartmouth Web Staff | 10/6/11 12:46pm

A loud, slightly omi­nous beat was heard from Col­lis porch to the class­rooms of Dart­mouth Hall this af­ter­noon. Though it seemed from a dis­tance at­trib­ut­able to the be­gin­ning of pledge term fes­tiv­i­ties, the Cre­ole Choir of Cuba was be­hind the stunt. The group, which draws on Cuban, Hait­ian and African in­flu­ences, was being video­taped and at­tracted the at­ten­tion of a small non-stu­dent crowd. The Cre­ole Choir seemed to be per­form­ing as part of the Hop's pub­lic­ity cam­paign for tonight's 7 p.m. show.

The Dartmouth Web Staff