Dartmouth featured on "Extreme Makeover"

By STEPHEN KIRKPATRICK | 11/30/09 1:41pm

Eunice Lee / The Dartmouth Staff

In early Oc­to­ber, roughly 1,000 vol­un­teers, in­clud­ing the Dart­mouth women’s soft­ball team and ap­prox­i­mately 70 other Dart­mouth stu­dents, spent sev­eral days with the crew of ABC’s “Ex­treme Makeover: Home Edi­tion” con­struct­ing a new 4,250 square foot home for the Mar­shall fam­ily of Lyme, N.H.
The ABC episode aired on Sun­day.
Cameron Mar­shall, who is 10 years old, was di­ag­nosed three years ago with leukemia, and the fam­ily sub­se­quently or­ga­nized the “Be Pos­i­tive” ini­tia­tive to raise money for the Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal at Dart­mouth, which to date has raised over $100,000. CHaD was fea­tured promi­nently in the ABC episode.
The new house was con­structed in eight days, and was sup­ported by do­na­tions from over 500 local busi­nesses, in ad­di­tion to nu­mer­ous com­mu­nity vol­un­teers.
Re­lated Ar­ti­cles:
Local house ‘makeover’ re­vealed More»
Stu­dents help ABC give local home a ‘makeover’ More»