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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

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GOV 10 SURVEYS:Check your inbox, someone needs your help.

THE OSCARS:The Oscars are coming up this Sunday, which means it's time to forget about your homework and focus on what really matters — Meryl Streep and her eternal perfection.

"FREEDOM BUDGET":On Monday morning, Dartmouth students released a document with a series of demands for better addressing the inequalities that they allege exist at Dartmouth. Now, it's time to buckle down and wait for Hanlon's response.

DBA CRUNCH TIME:We don't know too many people who are in the DBA sweet spot right now. You're either drowning in dough or eating the free Saltines in Collis and begging friends for a swipe.

COURSE SELECTION CONFUSION:What happened, Registrar? Everyone's dazed, confused and desperate for a TMV.