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The Dartmouth
June 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

PLOUGH: One-on-One

I sat down with rookie sailor Avery Plough '14, who was recently selected by the New England Intercollegiate Sailing Association as Co-Ed Sailor of the Week with partner John Renehan '13.

How are NEISA awardees chosen?

AP: Co-ed sailors of the week are chosen from the regatta performance from that given weekend, usually at one of the upper-level regattas.

For those of us illiterate in sailing lingo, who's who in the boat? How are pairs selected?

AP: I'm [Renehan's] crew and he is the skipper. The coaches make the decision, but they are terrific at taking input and looking at personalities. Teamwork and getting along well is crucial we have to communicate well. Who you sail with is a pretty big factor.

How long have you been sailing?

AP: I started sailing for fun in middle school, and then I joined a competitive high school team my sophomore year.

What sparked your interest?

AP: My mom sailed when she was younger, she grew up on the East Coast, and she suggested that I take a few classes.

How has the adjustment to the East Coast been coming from California?

AP: Not bad. It's significantly colder. It's been fun, I have enjoyed having seasons. All the freshmen joined an [intramural] hockey team, and I had never skated on a pond before in my life, so that was pretty crazy.

How is sailing different in New England than California?

AP: With sailing, it is more venue-dependent. Different venues on both coasts will have very different wind conditions, etc. It's more about the place you are rather than the coast.

How did you choose Dartmouth?

AP: I love the community and the atmosphere here. Everyone seemed to appreciate being here and their experience, and that's the kind of community I wanted. I came from a small high school, so this even seems big to me. It has been so much fun.

Was sailing a factor in your decision?

AP: It was definitely something I was considering. I wanted a school with a good sailing team. I met the coaches on a visit here. It was a factor, but it wasn't a main factor.

What are your goals for this season?

AP: From what I've heard, being only a freshman, we have a strong team this year, and we can't wait to get back on the water. Travelling to Boston and [the University of Vermont] for practice takes a toll, but it's worth it.

That's quite the hike. When will you be able to sail closer to home?

AP: We just take a few boats here [to Boston or UVM]. People are practicing between zero to three days a week, but hopefully next week we can sail here.

Where do you see yourself going with sailing?

AP: I definitely want to stay on the team the rest of my time here, it's been the best part of my college experience so far. It's definitely something I want to keep up. I'm not sure if I'll sail competitively after college I guess I need a job eventually. The sailing world is very small, you can find a sailing club wherever you go.

And what do you hope to see your team do overall?

AP: We have some teams at qualifiers this weekend. We're hoping to do well at those, and make it to Nationals this year. Our main team goal is to have everyone improve. Everyone has to work together at practices improve the level of everyone's sailing and be that much better.

How had the transition been as a freshman on the team?

AP: It's been fine actually. I love all of the upperclassmen. They support us and help us make sure we know what we're doing here everything from classes to just hanging out.

What's the best part about sailing?

AP: It's a terrific sport. It is so much fun being out on the water, it's a constant challenge and there's always something you can do strategically to get better. I love the team. They're great people to spend time with both on and off the water.

If you were talking to someone who's never gone sailing, how would you describe it?

AP: Take the sophomore Summer PE and you'll see!