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The Dartmouth
June 17, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


I sat down with David Irving '11 to chat about his last three meets the Dartmouth Relays, a tri-meet in New York City and a home meet against the University of Vermont and the University of Maine and his final season at Dartmouth. Irving claimed the top spot in the weight throw at all three meets including an 18.21-meter distance at the Dartmouth Relays and is also the captain of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, editor-in-chief of the Dartmouth Law Journal and a member of Beta Alpha Omega fraternity. Irving placed second in the weight throw event at the competitive Terrier Classic in Boston, Mass., this weekend.

How do you feel about your performance in the past three meets?

DI: I feel pretty pleased. My results are pretty consistent, which is something that I had some trouble with the past years. I had a lot of fouls last year and it hasn't been the case so far.

Do you feel any extra pressure now that it's your senior year compared to previous years?

DI: I don't think so. I used to get really, really worked up, but now things are much more in perspective for me. Track used to be ultimate in my life, but now I've realized that track is not my number one and God is my number one. Track is something that I do, that I enjoy.

What are you hoping to accomplish this season?

DI: I'd like the team to be more competitive than in the past. It's hard to put a quantitative measure on that but I'd really like to see us compete against [Cornell University] and [Princeton University] in the Ivy League meets. Personally, I hope to progress as far into the championships as I can, maybe the regionals or NCAA.

How are the team's prospects this year?

DI: We are good, I think this is the most well-rounded we've been. We have a top-quality sprinter and a couple good distance runners. The throws are doing well and the [multi-eventers are] doing well. So I feel like this is the most well-rounded we've ever been, which is good.

What do you think about the new recruits this year?

DI: They are great. The coaches have worked really hard in recruiting and it shows particularly in the throws. We now have a guy who's a very good javelin thrower, Jim Budzinski '14. There are also a couple freshman distance runners who are also really good.

Are you a track fan off the court?

DI: I would say so, I pay pretty close attention to what goes on. Although now it's indoors season and not that many people compete at an international level, I still pay close attention. I love distance running so I pay pretty close attention to that. I just think that track is a unique sport and I enjoy it.

Is there a thrower that you model yourself after?

DI: Well, I would say there are two. They're both discus throwers, and are both very athletic. One is [Lithuanian Olympic athlete] Virgilijus Alekna and the other is [German discus thrower] Lars Riedel. I like them because they're just both really athletic. A lot of the time throwers are big and bulky but these guys are athletic and fast.

You used to play basketball and football do you miss those sports? Do you feel like you have made the right decision in choosing track?

DI: I definitely think I made the right choice but I do miss them a lot. There are many days when I would love to go out and try out for the football team. A lot of my best friends are on the football team and both my roommates are on the basketball team. But I definitely made the right choice and I'm very thankful for all the opportunity track has given me.

Any plans to continue your track career after Dartmouth?

DI: Right now probably not, but I think it's possible if I have a really big year I'd consider it. I would only keep going though if I can go really, really far.

Do you know what you want to do after Dartmouth?

DI: I want to go to theological school next year. So I've applied to seminaries and I should be hearing from them soon. I've also been accepted by Teach for America so if seminary doesn't work out that's sort of my back up.

Is there anything you think you will miss about the track team or about Dartmouth in general after you graduate?

DI: That's a big question. This is what I've told people in the past and I will say it again I loved my time here and I'm very thankful to have the opportunity to study here and compete here. But I'm also excited about what's next in my life too. I'll definitely miss my team and Dartmouth, but I'm also excited for what lies ahead.