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The Dartmouth
June 17, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Fraternity events fill up Green Key's schedule

In true Green Key fashion, partygoers this weekend will enjoy a wide range of festivities at Greek organizations, according to members of several fraternities. Hosting the usual slew of annual parties, several Greek leaders said that their parties will combine tradition with a few twists for this year's Green Key weekend.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity kicked off the weekend with its signature champagne party Thursday night, SAE president Brandon Floch '11 said.

This year, SAE will also host a glow-in-the-dark party featuring popular campus rock band Filligar on Friday night, Floch said.

"We've never thrown two big parties two nights in a row," Floch said. "We're trying to do as much as we can just because it's Green Key."

Alpha Delta fraternity will also host an outdoor concert during its annual Lawn Party, which will take place on Saturday afternoon, AD social chair Preet Gurusamy '11 said.

This year, Lawn Party will feature Bang Camaro, which Gurusamy described as a "15 or 16 member jam band, basically with trumpet, guitar, drums, everything." Filligar will also perform as the opening act for the band.

"These guys get real wild they get the crowd going," he said.

Members of this year's Big Green Bus crew will attend AD's lawn party Saturday afternoon to raise funds for their upcoming trip this summer, Gurusamy added.

The bus will be parked on the AD lawn and crew members will sell T-shirts and hats to raise money for the tour in which group members will drive the bus, powered by vegetable oil, around the country to promote energy efficiency. The crew has teamed with Boloco to sell discounted burritos at low cost to students at the event, with all profits going toward the crew's efforts, Big Green Bus co-general manager Betsy Dain-Owens '10 said in an e-mail to The Dartmouth.

Students will also have the ability to obtain food at Theta Delta Chi fraternity's traditional outdoor pig roast on Saturday afternoon, Theta Delt social chair Morgan Livermore '11 said.

This year's Green Key pig roast will feature three whole pigs, which will be prepared by a professional pig roaster, Livermore said.

Chi Gamma Epsilon fraternity will hold its second annual Gammapalooza party on Friday night, Chi Gam president Bennett Siegel '11 said. The indoor-outdoor party will feature roughly 12 different performers including six DJs, three rappers and "three guys who do something in the middle," he said.

Last year's Gammapalooza featured a two-level dance party inside the house as well as a dance party on the fraternity's front lawn, Siegel said.

"We had a good model last year we're going to run it again," Siegel said. "We hope to replicate what was such a successful event."

After the party, Chi Gam will pay for students to be bussed to Fort Lou's Restaurant in Lebanon, repeating a tradition that began after last year's Gammapalooza. Chi Gam will not pay for students' meals at the restaurant, however, Siegel said.

Alpha Chi Alpha fraternity and Sigma Delta sorority will co-host their annual Cheese Ball again on Friday evening, according to Alpha Chi social chair Patrick Dobens '11. The event which provides partygoers with an opportunity to wear mismatched clothing will take place at Sigma Delt.

"Basically, you can wear anything you want," Dobens said. "[It could] be something that just doesn't match, or just looks completely off."

Kappa Kappa Kappa fraternity will also host a "EuroTrash" party on Friday with DJ Postman, Matt Knight '11, according Tri-Kap co-social chair Mike Joseph '12.

"The Friday of every big weekend, [we have a] big, exciting dance party," Tri-Kap co-social chair Max Yoeli '12 said.

Gamma Delta Chi fraternity will host its first outdoor concert event "GLC and IFC Present: Sam Adams @ GDX" on Friday at 5 p.m., according to former house manager Alexander Jenny '10.

"[Adams] came [to the College] in the summer, but he wasn't as well known then," Jenny said.

This year's event is different from GDX's past Green Key parties, Jenny said, explaining that this year will be the first in which the fraternity hosts an outdoor concert during Green Key.