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The Dartmouth
June 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Daily Debriefing

The New Hampshire Democratic Party appointed Dartmouth Medical School professor Jay Buckey as co-chair to the 2008 State Party Convention on Thursday, according to Seacoast Online. The Convention is scheduled to be held May 17 at the Henry J. McLaughlin Middle School in Manchester. Buckey sought the democratic bid for the N.H. senate seat against Republican incumbent John Sununu earlier this year but dropped out of the race in February. Buckey, a former astronaut, received his medical degree from Cornell Medical School and served as a member of the U.S. Air Force Reserve. The other co-chair of the committee will be Jackie Weatherspoon, a former member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives.

Senator Edward Kennedy introduced legislation on Thursday to increase the amount of federal financial aid offered to students, Inside Higher Ed reported. The proposed bill, inspired by the loss of another major federal lender, would increase the maximum award of Pell Grants and the annual limits on federal borrowing by undergraduates. It would also defer parental loans during students' residence in college and would designate lenders on a universal college basis rather than on a student-by-student basis.

The Chapel at Edgerton House, Dartmouth's Episcopal student center, was dedicated to John Daniels, a New Hampshire native and civil rights activist, yesterday evening, according to a Dartmouth press release. The dedication followed a celebration in Daniels' honor hosted by St. Thomas Episcopal Church. Bishop Gene Robinson performed the dedication to Daniels, who sacrificed his life in 1965 to save a fellow activist from an attack by an angered segregationist. Daniels, a student at the Episcopal Theological School who marched with Martin Luther King during the Civil Rights Movement, threw himself unarmed in front of a shotgun blast to prevent the death of Tusk egee University student Ruby Sales. Sales, who went on to a career in activism and founded SpiritHouse, a national organization for the promotion of justice, spoke at the event.