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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Disapproving of Divestment

To the Editor:

While I definitely applaud the sentiment and motivation behind all the efforts towards divestment from Sudan-related companies ("Trustees vote to divest from Sudan-related companies," Nov. 14), I feel that an important point is being overlooked. According to the article, the College currently does not hold stock in any of these companies.

Since divestment is by definition preceded by investment, it seems people are just ignoring the fact that Dartmouth did not divest from anything. Though this decision does have its benefits, such as prohibiting Dartmouth's investment managers from buying into these companies, I somehow doubt the "divestment" campaign would have been as strong had the argument been not that Dartmouth has been indirectly complacent in the situation in Sudan, but that we probably should not be complacent in the future.

This all seemed to be a lot of effort, a lot of self-congratulation and very little result.