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The Dartmouth
July 26, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Rush Preparation

To the Editor:

As a rush chair for my house, I have spent considerable hours, days, months, recruiting potential members to my fraternity. And though I've gotten to know a number of '08s through playing pong or simply hanging out, I have found that none of them know what happens in the rush process. Megan Johnson's hopes are spot-on, as every single sophomore with whom I've spoken agrees with Benjamin Davis in saying they know nothing of what happens this weekend ("Three Day Frat Rush kicks off Saturday Night," Oct. 7).

But, this should not be an issue. The following is copied directly from the Interfraternity Council by-laws:

"Section A--Pre-Rush

The IFC shall organize the following programs before the onset of Rush:

  1. an information session to be held one non-summer terms prior to Rush to acquaint potential members of the IFC member organizations with the Rush process, and to encourage participation in the Fraternity system;

  2. a non-alcoholic barbeque or dinner at each fraternity house one non-summer term before Rush; and

  3. a meeting at the beginning of the Rush term -- with the Rush Chairmen of all member fraternities -- to discuss the policies of Fraternity Rush outlined in Article II of the Bylaws of the IFC Constitution."

Thank you, IFC, for holding none of these events and making our already difficult job just that much harder.