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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

On 'Keggy'

To the Editor:

I would like to advise the Dartmouth community that "Keggy the Keg" is an unfortunate choice as a mascot. As my son and I were doing our broad search for potential colleges, Dartmouth came up repeatedly as a great school, with great programs, great locale, followed by a pause, then "ah well they are known for a ... a fair amount of drinking." While this may or may not be the case, I think choosing Keggy as the mascot would not reassure the parents of future perspective freshmen. The reputation may be entirely history, but having grown up in Pittsburgh, (that smoky, dirty city), I can tell you that these reputations take a generation to die out, even when you work at it.

Admittedly, mascots are primarily for the student body and the athletic teams. Picture yourself in 30 years trying to impress the guy across the boardroom table by the fact that you went to Dartmouth and says: "yeah, Dartmouth, isn't that the school that's mascot is a beer keg?"