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July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

SEC picks '01 class marshalls

As members of the Class of 2001 look to close out their time at Dartmouth, the Senior Executive Committee recently announced the names of students who will represent their peers at Class Day and Commencement activities.

Eight class marshalls will charged with the formal tasks of graduation, such as flag bearing.

This year's marshalls are seniors Michael Foote, Tahir Golden, Dean Krishna, Eleanor Leahy, Caleb Moore, Ritika Nandkeolyar, Kristin Romberg and Leah Threatte.

Senior Executive Committee President Rebecca Lee '01 stressed that the goal of the selection of these students is not a matter of filling in quotas of accomplishments in sports, arts, and community service. Rather, committee members attempt to create a cohesive group who will collectively represent the class and its experiences.

"We were looking for something that just covered the spirit of the class. We definitely tried to stay away from categorization of people," Lee said.

The achievements of this year's group are, nevertheless, impressive.

Amongst these, Foote co-founded the Tucker Foundation's DREAM program in 1999, Krishna served as last year's Student Assembly President and Leahy and Romberg distinguished themselves athletically on the lacrosse and ice hockey teams respectively.

Moore was the 2000 season football captain, Threatte is an Eating Disorder Peer Adviser, Golden is active with African American Society and Nandkeolyar has been highly involved in the Tucker Foundation and the Rockefeller Center and is also The Dartmouth's World and Nation editor.

Lee described the role of the class historians as "four funny people to chronicle the experiences of the class" in the form of seven to 10 minute skits and spoofs conducted on Class Day.

The four historians are graduating seniors Andrew Hoey, Caroline Kovas, James McNicholas Jr. and Christopher Pandolfi.

Hoey has appeared in a number of plays including last winter's "Sheeps Milk on Boil," and Kovas, McNicholas and Pandolfi are involve in musical programs.

The class orator will be Anthony Luckett '01, a Sheba dance group member. Class Day's faculty speaker will be Professor Paul Christesen '88 of the Classics Department.

The selection process for each of these positions began with a class-wide email inviting students to offer nominations and comments on what qualities they wanted to represent their class.

The 20 member committee then sat down and "fought with each other" over the composition, according to Lee.

Class Day is set for June 9, and Commencement Exercises will be held on June 10.