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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Hill '01 not new to campus service

Student Assembly Vice President-elect Chance Hill '01 has been active on Dartmouth's campus since his freshman fall when he was elected the Ripley/Woodward/Smith cluster representative.

Hill has been very involved with the Assembly for most of his tenure at Dartmouth, with his only period of absence coming during his sophomore year when he spent two terms in Argentina.

Hill was fortunate enough to land a job with an insurance company in Argentina last Winter term, and then met up with other Dartmouth students for the FSP last spring.

After being away from Dartmouth and the U.S. for about six months, Hill flew home to Los Angeles, California, stayed a mere two days, and then flew to Dartmouth for his sophomore summer. After spending six months in a foreign culture, Hill said his return to Dartmouth was quite a culture shock.

But he wasted no time before getting involved in the Assembly again, this time as the summer services chair, one of several chairs on the Assembly executive committee.

Besides the Assembly, Hill is involved in many other campus organizations such as the Green Key Society, of which he is the current president. He is also a student representative on the Residential Life Working Group which works with Dean of Residential Life Martin Redman and other deans to establish a vision for the future of Dartmouth residences.

Hill is a government major and Spanish minor, and hopes to eventually work in broadcast journalism. He said he would love to be a reporter for a program that would require him to travel, such as "60 Minutes."

However, before he begins serious journalistic work, Hill said he plans to attend graduate school for journalism, law or both.

This summer he will spend the first two months interning with the Institute of Political Journalism in Washington D.C. As part of the internship Hill will attend classes at Georgetown University.

He will spend the remainder of the summer writing for a local newspaper, the Pasadena Star News.

Hill has also participated in the Ivy Council, a group of Ivy League student government leaders, and is a child mentor with the DREAM Program.

In addition to being a brother at Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, Hill was also Dartmouth's unofficial mascot, the Dartmoose, and has aspirations of coordinating a Dartmouth video yearbook.

When he has free time, Hill enjoys sports in general. Playing soccer and watching any NCAA sports, especially football are his favorites.