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The Dartmouth
June 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Concerned About Global Warming

To the Editor,

Skiing. Ice-skating. Snowshoeing. Ice climbing. New England winters typically provide ample opportunity for these and many other outdoor activities. This January, leaders of the Dartmouth Outing Club began planning Winter Weekend, an event designed to introduce a greater portion of the Dartmouth campus to winter sports. However, in the past week, the organizers of the event have become increasingly concerned as the weather daily reminds us of more of March than of the middle of January.

In the past two years, residents of the Upper Valley have repeatedly seen evidence of global warming. Examples are the ice storm of 1998, the downpours in June of that year, and last summer's drought. Now, each day without snow sets a new record for New Hampshire. Ski resorts, unable to operate at full capacity this late in the season, are experiencing significant revenue losses. If something is not done to slow the trend of global warming, these losses will increase and with the local economy dependent in part on tourism, this should concern everyone.

There is no question that noticeable changes in weather patterns are occurring. Therefore, we must take the necessary steps to reduce further human contribution to the problem.

The New Hampshire primaries are February 1. In the next four years it will be necessary for our president to address global warming as an international issue. No candidate has clearly presented a plan of action to fight global warming. As voters, we must make it clear that this issue concerns us. At every opportunity, ask the candidates "what is your plan to fight global warming?" Now is our chance to make global warming a central issue in this presidential election.