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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Free classes for Class of 2001

With offerings like cooking and ballroom dancing lessons, e-mail messages from the 2001 Class Council lately resemble a brochure from the Collis Miniversity.

That's exactly what Activities Committee Co-chairs Paul Biggs and Prince Neelankavil want the Class of 2001 to be thinking about their new "'01-A-Versities," free one-time classes taught by sophomores and modeled after Miniversity classes.

The series, which kicked off last Thursday with a Mike Foote's juggling lesson in the Hyphen, offer a commitment-free chance for sophomores to come together, learn a new skill and have fun, Neelankavil said.

Although Thursday's class had only eight students, he said he thinks attendance will grow as the program becomes more established.

So far, Neelankavil has found over 20 sophomores with class suggestions ranging from snow-shoeing to break dancing to ironing

In addition, Biggs and Neelankavil will organize classes that focus on timely sophomore needs, like planning a major or crafting a resume.

Neelankavil said the classes available will depend on the weather and the class's ability to take advantage of the Hanover environment. Seasonal outdoor activities will be offered in the winter, spring and summer.

The idea, developed spontaneously at a 2001 Class Council Executives meeting, is a way for the council to provide a service to the class, Neelankavil said.

"Any '01 can come and have a good time," he said. The classes do not have the time or money commitment of a Miniversity course, he said.

Sophomores at Thursday's kickoff class said they think the idea is a good one. After constructing juggling balls out of kitty litter and balloons and tossing them in the air, the students mimicked Foote's cascade pattern, and several seemed to be picking up the new skill.

"The '01-A-Versities are a great way to bring the class together," Lauren Emerson said. Juggling "is definitely not something I would have ever done."