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The Dartmouth
June 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Panero '98 named Review editor

The Dartmouth Review, an off-campus conservative weekly, recently announced the selection of its new editor-in-chief and president for the Spring term of 1996 through Winter term of 1997.

Hanover Review, Inc., owners of the Review, selected James Panero '98 to serve as editor-in-chief and Kevin Robbins '98 to serve as president, according to present Editor-in-Chief E. Davis Brewer '95.

Panero said one of his goals for the upcoming year includes increasing the Review's credibility.

"I think there has been a credibility problem in the past," he said.

Panero said he feels increased research for stories will accomplish this task.

"I think a good story, properly researched, should speak for itself," he said. "Some issues need further research, then they would better illustrate what we are trying to show."

Panero said another goal is for the Review to address issues in a more serious manner.

"While the paper is an important voice on campus, its message is sometimes shortchanged by writers who are afraid to hit the issue on target and instead poke fun around the periphery," he said.

Robbins said his duties as president will deal more with the financial aspect of the Review.

Robbins, who is the Review's business manager this term, said he looks to continue "dealing with the budget needs of the paper."

Brewer said the company fills the positions based on an application process.

Brewer said an editorial committee will select additional editorial positions at the Review at the start of Spring term.