Dartbeat Asks: Novack Renovations

By Luke McCann, The Dartmouth Staff | 3/5/14 7:00am

As a self-proclaimed Novack watchdog, I spend a whole lot of time in that part of the libs. The cold, gray linoleum is my runway, and I take comfort in the stained red benches attached to the bare walls. I even slept on the floor of one of the study rooms during finals last winter. Now that I live on Webster Ave., an embarrassingly large amount of my meals consist of soggy veggie wraps and large Diet Cokes. Whether you like it or not, Novack is my home.

A couple of days ago, a poster appeared right near the entrance – you know, in that spot where people are usually trying to sell you baked goods or recruit you for a psych experiment. It said that by spring term, Novack will be renovated to include more tables, new upholstery, a color-accented wall and framed artwork. Obviously, I’m ecstatic about this – the furniture looks more comfortable, and the addition of color will be a more-than-welcome upgrade from the giant gray cell that Novack currently resembles.

But I’m just a lone voice typing in the wilderness, so I decided to ask a few more students what they thought about the renovations.

“It looks pretty much the same, but I do like the red. It adds some excitement instead of this metallic and gray everywhere.” – David Wu ’16

“I’m definitely excited for a new seating plan.” – Abby Munroe ’16

“It didn’t really catch my eye as that different. It’s probably going to cost too much money.” – Terren Klein ’17

“It’s good to see more table space. I feel like the booth areas now are kind of sketchy, so it will be nice to have new areas that aren’t as sketchy.” – Aminata Traore ’15

“I didn’t even know they were renovating. I literally have no idea what’s happening.” – Annabel Edelson ’15

“It makes a lot of sense. I don’t care how much it costs because there needs to be space for more people to actually sit down in Novack. I’m glad they’re changing it up.” – Nick Joaquin ’14

“I didn’t even know this is happening. It’s not a food renovation? I don’t care about furniture, I just want different food.” – Robbie Tanner ’16

“I think it’s a good idea because it’s such a weak space as it is. People spend so much time there already that it would be nice to actually want to be there.” – Abigail Hartley ’16

“I’d love to see a more modern space. Something more comfortable to be in.” – Abby Cohen ’14

“I don’t care that much. I don’t really hang out in Novack. I guess they could add in some lighting that isn’t gross or more comfortable seats.” – Veronica Burt ’16


Luke McCann, The Dartmouth Staff