DDS Detective: PBJ Time

By Priya Krishna, The Dartmouth Senior Staff | 2/8/12 1:23pm


I don’t know what it is about them, but peanut but­ter and jelly sand­wiches are my ul­ti­mate com­fort food. Maybe it’s be­cause I took one to school for lunch every day for about 10 years. Maybe it’s be­cause peanut but­ter and jelly are my fa­vorite two condi­ments. Maybe be­cause it re­minds me of the time that Buddy the Phi Delt dog stole my friend’s PB&J right out of her hand. Ei­ther way, noth­ing sat­is­fies me quite like a PB&J. This week’s DDS De­tec­tive puts a new spin on this old clas­sic with the ad­di­tion of froyo!

  1. At '53 Com­mons, put vanilla froyo (white choco­late works, too) in a bowl. You can use a cone — things will just get a lit­tle messier (see pic­ture).
  2. At the end of the Ma Thayer’s line next to the bread, add a big dol­lop of both jam and peanut but­ter.
  3. Swirl the jam and peanut but­ter into the froyo lightly with a spoon.

Priya Krishna, The Dartmouth Senior Staff