The new

By The Dartmouth Web Staff | 11/23/09 1:16pm

James Qian And Andrew Bloomgarden / The Dartmouth Staff

Wel­come to the new TheDartmouth.​com. The site has a fresh de­sign and many new fea­tures we hope will im­prove your read­ing ex­pe­ri­ence.

New fea­tures:

  • Com­ments: Read­ers can now com­ment on any of our ar­ti­cles pub­lished within the last two weeks. Make a com­ment as a guest, or login using a Dart­mouth Name Di­rec­tory or OpenID ac­count. To read more about our com­ment­ing pol­icy, click here.

  • Blog: Up­dated through­out the day, this blog is home to every­thing from the lat­est break­ing news, sports analy­sis and live event cov­er­age, to restau­rant and album re­views.

  • Sports scores: TheDartmouth.​com is now home to the lat­est sports scores for all of the Big Green’s var­sity teams.

  • Media: TheDartmouth.​com now has a ded­i­cated media page fea­tur­ing pho­toes­says and — in the next few months — video as well.

The Dartmouth Web Staff