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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Tim Mosso
The Setonian

Petroleum Propaganda

In his State of the Union address, President George Bush announced, "We have a serious problem: America is addicted to oil." Apparently, we were supposed to react to this revelation with astonishment.

The Setonian

World Baseball Classic

Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig's dream of a "World Baseball Classic" between competing national all-star teams may join the XFL and the Lingerie Bowl in the pantheon of laughably misbegotten sports promotions.

The Setonian

A Broken System

If "three strikes" were a universal rule, the United States' prison systems would be serving hard time.

The Setonian

Snafu at GM

Last Thursday, General Motors announced that it would pull its advertising from The Los Angeles Times.

The Setonian

Rekindling the Arms Race

The Bush Administration's decision to sell modern fighter jets to Pakistan demonstrates total contempt for history and dark designs for the future.

The Setonian

Driving Toward the Future

The time has come to revisit the concept of the electric car. The triple bind of energy dependence, global warming, and toxic emissions should draw the concern of all Americans.

The Setonian

Moral Politicians?

Meet "moral values," the Republican Party's imaginary friend. They go everywhere together, especially in the red states.

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