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The Dartmouth
June 17, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Sarah Cho
The Setonian

Re-building the Community

Dartmouth is changing. The student body as a whole is recognizing the undercurrents tugging at the community and we are facing up to the challenge of pulling together on individual and group levels.

The Setonian

Collis opens grandly

College dignitaries inaugurated the new Collis Center with a weekend of speeches and celebrations, starting with a dedication ceremony Friday afternoon. Although Collis has been open to the public for the last two weeks, Friday was the official christening of the College's first student center. The ceremony was designed to honor Charles Collis '37 and his wife Ellen, who donated $5.5 million to renovate Collis College Center, said Dean of the College Lee Pelton, who was master of ceremonies Friday night. About 80 students, professors and alumni gathered in the Common Ground to listen to Collis and his wife, College President James Freedman, Student Assembly President Nicole Artzer '94 and Board of Trustees Chair John Rosenwald, who spoke about their visions of Collis and what they think the center will mean to the student body. "This is what God would have built if he had money," Rosenwald said.

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