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The Dartmouth
June 17, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Charles Davant And James M. Hunnicutt
The Setonian

Town meeting discusses 'hate incidents'

Responding to the recent acts of hate speech, the Student Assembly held an "emergency town meeting" in the Collis Common Ground last night to discuss issues of hate. Before last night's town meeting, Pelton and four other deans met with a group of about 30 students upset by the hate incidents and administration's reactions to the incidents. At the discussion, Pelton said the student who admitted to writing the racist message on the door of two Asian-American students in the Choates Cluster plans to reveal himself in an open letter to the community Monday. Jeffrey Link '98 was arrested by Hanover Police on Jan.24 in connection with the incident. Almost 400 people attended the town meeting, which Assembly President Jim Rich '96 moderated. Rich condemned a recent incident of racism, in which an unknown person wrote the word "chink" on the door of two Asian-American women early Thursday morning. Two weeks ago, a student scrawled racial slurs on the door of two Asian-American students in Little Hall.

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