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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Alexandra Friedman
The Setonian

Classes on Islam generate interest

As CNN continues to use terms like "Islamic fundamentalism" and "Jihad," many Dartmouth students are rushing to find out what exactly these words mean. In order to fully understand the deeper religious and cultural significances of the current crisis, many students have opted to broaden their knowledge on the topic, and as a result, enrollment in classes about Islamic ideology, current events in the Middle East and the Arabic language have skyrocketed. Arabic 01's enrollment has doubled this fall, and Religion 16, a class entitled "Modern Islam," was speculated by Professor Kevin Reinhart to have increased by as much as 30 percent.

The Setonian

Collis budget exceeds $125,000 each year

How the Collis Student Center's lounge became a television haven for so many lazy Dartmouth students is the result of a large budget allocated to the center each year. The Collis budget, estimated by Brenda Goupee, student life business manager, to be approximately $125,000-145,000 annually, is carefully divvied up each year to meet current student requests and needs. She told The Dartmouth that each year the budget is allotted to a myriad of maintenance, repair and supply demands, and "hopefully, the financial process stays evolving and growing according to each year's requests," Lawrence said. The Collis Center has made a variety of notable changes this year, including the relocation of the game room to two distinct locations, addition of extra television sets to the student lounge, and the creation of Poison Ivy this fall, a club advertised as "Dartmouth's premiere night club," though the club is also the only night club in Hanover. Accountable for promoting the use of the Collis Center, the staff that decides how to utilize the budget has also allotted funds to keeping the pool tables newly felted, helping to create a comfortable atmosphere in the Big Green Bean coffeehouse, providing CDs and technical equipment for performances in Collis Commonground and organizing funds for the general operation of the building. The range of requests is varied, and the Center is able to gather student input from a variety of outlets.

The Setonian

Students carry trash during Earth Week

Garbage, recyclables and compost were toted around campus by many students and faculty last week in an effort by environmental groups at Dartmouth to make people more aware of the impact they have on the environment. Planned by the Environmental Conservation Organization (ECO) and the DOC Environmental Studies (ESD), nearly 130 students and one faculty member participated in the effort . "Instead of throwing away your trash and killing the environment behind your back, this week it will be on your back," the Coordinator of ECO, Jesse Foote '01, said at the beginning of the event last week.

The Setonian

Blood drive draws many helpers

The Red Cross blood drive that occurs at Dartmouth once every term is taking place today and Thursday in Alumni Hall at the Hopkins Center. "Frankly, there is always a desperate need for blood," said Shilpa Lamba '00, who is responsible for coordinating campus support for the event. "This is one of the more challenging times of the year, January, after the holidays," Mike Egan of the American Red Cross said. "The summer is kind of a difficult time as well," he continued.

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