What the Things You Bring to Class Say About You

By Lily Johnson | 10/13/17 12:23pm

Imagine you’re sitting in your 9L, half asleep and waiting for class to start, when all of a sudden someone bursts into the room with a monogrammed tote and Starbucks (why did she go so far for coffee when KAF exists?). You know everyone in the room just had the same thought you did — this person is basic af.

But what about the stuff you bring to class? Whether you bring the same totally wrecked notebook to every class or you’re the person who has a highlighter of every color known to man, everyone’s school supply style is a window into their soul.

To the person whose only supply is a spiral notebook that’s so old it looks like it belongs in Rauner Library…

This person probably came in right as class started. She’ll only take about a page of notes and roll out just as casually as she came in. 

To the person double fisting coffee…

This means one of two things: This person either lives in the library or is a hardcore KAF addict. Identifying where they bought the coffee is key to telling the difference between the two.

To the person who has enough pens and pencils to give everyone in class at least two…

I know that losing pens is an epidemic, but this is getting out of hand. This person also probably takes Pinterest-style notes that you’re totally jealous of.

To the person already wearing their winter coat…

This person is from the South or California and is probably questioning their decision to come to the cold, cold North. Keep your eyes peeled for monogrammed anything or Sperry’s.

To the person rocking a DP2 shirt…

This person is #swole. Look out for a bottle of chocolate milk and at least two other items of Dartmouth apparel with them.

To the person wearing shades…

Did you party too hard last night? Everyone knows that in New Hampshire the sun sets at 3 p.m. at the latest, so there’s no other reason for you to wear shades.

Lily Johnson
