Family weekend wrap up

By Irene Cofie | 7/28/14 1:46pm

When my family started making plans to visit campus this summer, I was ecstatic to show them everything about my life at Dartmouth. As Sophomore Family Weekend starting getting closer and closer, though, I started to wonder how I was going to entertain so many people for a weekend in Hanover. Lou’s is great for breakfast, but what do we do for the rest of the day? I mean you can only take so many tours of the clock tower. With my mom, sister, cousins and just about every other person I’ve ever known coming to see me, it seemed like my Sophomore Family Weekend was about to be one for the books. It was.

The first day was pretty easy. My family arrived on Friday and it was an overall pretty relaxed day. There was a lot of catching up to do, and we basically just chatted the day away while walking around campus. Saturday, though, was when the real adventure began. My family and I ditched Hanover for a few hours and drove to Vermont to enjoy some of the finer scenery that New England has to offer. Once we made our way back to Dartmouth, we enjoyed delicious gelato at Morano, had a family bash in the hotel rooms we were staying in at the Holiday Inn and took the obligatory tour of the library. What’s a trip to an Ivy League library without getting to see the tower room? I guess after a couple of years, Dartmouth has gotten pretty familiar, but I loved getting to watch my family as they took in all of the surroundings. In the heat of midterms, extra-curriculars and internship hunting, it’s easy to forget how great of an institution Dartmouth really is.

We wrapped up the weekend with a trip to White River Junction, where we visited a few of the churches in the area. I treated my family to lunch at the always wonderful on campus eatery, FoCo. As with any family visit, it ended with a shopping trip and at least a couple of memorable gifts for everybody. For all the stress that can come with entertaining a whole group of guests in Hanover, I’m so glad I got to share a part of my own Dartmouth experience with my family.

Irene Cofie