La Belle Vie: Time for your Valentine

By Isobel Markham | 2/13/12 1:41pm



Valen­tine's Day. Ea­gerly an­tic­i­pated by some, dreaded by a few and res­olutely ig­nored by the vast ma­jor­ity, it comes round every year whether we like it or not. In these tough eco­nomic times, the hy­per-com­mer­cial­iza­tion of this hol­i­day seems even more in­con­gru­ous than usual, giv­ing us the chance to take it back to what it's re­ally all about — shar­ing the love.

As we all know Valen­tine's Day is pri­mar­ily for the ladies — if you want to re­main in your girl­friend's good graces or make a good im­pres­sion on that chick you've had your sights on for a while, you'd bet­ter start plan­ning. This is a great op­por­tu­nity to re­mind the fairer sex that you are in fact a gen­tle­man and not just a rag­ing bro. A few hints: Invit­ing her to play pong with you — not a date. Invit­ing her to watch you play in some sports match — also not a date. Tak­ing her to FoCo for din­ner — do I even need to say it? NOT A DATE.

If you want to have din­ner in town, then you’d best to make reser­va­tions. After all, this is Hanover, where op­tions are lim­ited, and, "There's no space at Canoe Club, shall we just get EBAs?" prob­a­bly isn't going to go down well. Al­though high-main­te­nance is gen­er­ally not a good look on a guy, we girls do like to think that you've made a bit of an ef­fort. A nice shirt (iron it!) and V-neck sweater combo should do the trick.

Girls, if your boyfriend is used to see­ing you in your sweats be­tween your spin class and your bio lab, now is your chance to re­mind him that you are, in fact, a lady. And not just any lady, but one who blow-dries her hair, paints her nails and spends longer than 10 min­utes think­ing about what to wear. At least on this oc­ca­sion.

Dress­ing for evenings out in Hanover is rel­a­tively straight-for­ward once you get the hang of it. I'd ad­vise ei­ther of two op­tions: nice top, skinny jeans and high heels, or dress/skirt and flat shoes. I'd steer clear of red, un­less you can man­age to make it look ironic. This is a great op­por­tu­nity to let out your inner girlie girl, so em­brace del­i­cate ruf­fles, soft tex­tures and el­e­gant jew­elry. Take time over the lit­tle things: Choose a purse that re­ally com­ple­ments your out­fit, put on some scented body lo­tion and be pre­cise with your makeup. The ef­fort you make won't go un­no­ticed.

At the end of the day, it's not rocket sci­ence. There is one thing that every­one wants for Valen­tine's Day: time. Just spend some time to­gether. And try to be your most beau­ti­ful self while you do it.

Isobel Markham