Dartmouth students marathon for a cause

By Kathleen Wahl | 11/27/11 3:06pm


Feel­ing a lit­tle bloated after Thanks­giv­ing feasts? If you’re think­ing about run­ning off the hol­i­day weight over the next few weeks this isn’t a bad time to start train­ing for next year’s NYC Marathon.

You can look to Dart­mouth stu­dents Annie Op­pen­heim, Au­drey Sher­man, and Katie Rohn for tips on the race – all three ran the 26 mile race through Team for Kids ear­lier this month. The or­ga­ni­za­tion has brought health and fit­ness pro­grams to 100,000 chil­dren in over 400 schools across the US and Africa, ac­cord­ing to their site. To date they have raised over $16 mil­lion for their cause.

Ac­cord­ing to the marathon trio, train­ing was en­joy­able be­cause they had the op­por­tu­nity to go on runs through­out the area (which, need­less to say, in­cluded beau­ti­ful scenery) and to spend time to­gether wile work­ing out.

After four hours and six min­utes of run­ning and months of train­ing, the three of them crossed the fin­ish line feel­ing up­lifted and ac­com­plished; an ideal end to such a re­ward­ing ex­pe­ri­ence.

Kathleen Wahl