Dartmouth staffers celebrate transition in style at Changeover

By Isobel Markham | 11/30/11 3:08pm


It’s been a news­wor­thy year for The Dart­mouth’s ’12 di­rec­torate, who pub­lished their final paper today - ’13 staffers are tak­ing over pro­duc­tion be­gin­ning on Jan­u­ary 1st, a tran­si­tion that was cause for cel­e­bra­tion. Fri­day No­vem­ber 18th saw The Dart­mouth staff don­ning their glad-rags for The Dart­mouth’s An­nual Changeover Cel­e­bra­tion at Casque & Gaunt­let.


Out­go­ing '12 di­rec­torateThe mem­bers of the ed­i­to­r­ial board were the first to ar­rive at the event, bear­ing bot­tles of cham­pagne and closely-guarded award en­velopes. They were closely fol­lowed by ju­nior staff mem­bers dressed up to the nines in blaz­ers, ties, dresses and heels.


Ju­nior staffers ar­rive at C&GThe first per­son to catch my eye was our very own out­go­ing Dart­beat ed­i­tor Ta­tiana Cooke ’12, who wowed the crowds in a mod­ern clas­sic – the black ban­dage dress.

Out­go­ing ex­ec­u­tive ed­i­tors Jamila Ma ’12 and Katie Gon­za­lez ’12 daz­zled on-look­ers in a sim­ple and el­e­gant nude beaded chif­fon dress and a petrol blue and metal­lic shift re­spec­tively.


From left: Gon­za­lez, Wray, Zou and CookeThe stun­ning Chris­tine Kim ’14 bright­ened up the room in strik­ing bright red lip­stick and match­ing dress, and the adorable Mag­gie Zou ’12 looked every inch the lady with del­i­cately braided hair.


Kim in redExtra fash­ion credit goes to Staff Writer of the Year Jenny Che ’14, who broke the mold in a clas­sic cream vin­tage shirt and gor­geously pat­terned pen­cil skirt.

News writer Diana Ming ’14 and lay­out staff-mem­ber Laura Dorn ’15 kept their looks light and fresh in beau­ti­ful sum­mer dresses.


Ming sec­ond from right in pinkNot to be out­done by the girls, out­go­ing ad­ver­tis­ing di­rec­tor Alex Lucey ’12 em­u­lated a suave busi­ness­man in his grey three-piece suit, black bow-tie and heavy-rimmed glasses.


Lucey, cen­ter in greyNever to be un­der­es­ti­mated, the most beau­ti­ful in­ter­pre­ta­tions of the clas­sic LBD that night were seen on Alesy Itur­rey ’14, Jen Dalecki ’15 and Ester Khacha­tryan ’15.

Who im­pressed you the most at last week’s changeover? Tweet me @la­bele­tran­gere

Isobel Markham