Bronski named as one of the Out100

By The Dartmouth Web Staff | 11/18/11 2:54pm


Courtesy Of Out

Michael Bron­ski, a Women and Gen­der Stud­ies pro­fes­sor who most re­cently wrote “A Queer His­tory of the United States,” was named one of the Out­100 by Out mag­a­zine. The list rec­og­nizes artists, ac­tivists and other fig­ures each year, and other in­di­vid­u­als rec­og­nized in­clude Mod­ern Fam­ily start Jesse Tyler Fer­gu­son, Pulitzer Prize-win­ning poet John Ash­bery and Amer­i­can Idol star Adam Lam­bert.

The Dartmouth Web Staff