By The Dartmouth Web Staff | 11/15/11 2:37pm

Ex-admissions officer argues against boosted admissions


For­mer Dart­mouth ad­mis­sions of­fi­cer Michele Her­nan­dez ar­gues against tak­ing ath­letic skill and legacy into ac­count dur­ing the ad­mis­sions process in this week's NY Times Room for De­bate. She has a par­tic­u­lar prob­lem with "top re­cruited ath­letes who can get into Har­vard with C grades and 500 SAT scores if they throw a foot­ball or are good with a hockey puck." While you may have heard this all be­fore, it's in­ter­est­ing to see it com­ing from one of Dart­mouth's past gate­keep­ers.

The Dartmouth Web Staff