JYK talks to Charlie Rose

By The Dartmouth Web Staff | 10/6/11 12:48pm



Pres­i­dent Kim got some tube time this week as his in­ter­view with jour­nal­ist Char­lie Rose hit the air­waves. Dur­ing the pro­gram, which was broad­cast on PBS last night, Kim sat down and chat­ted with Rose about top­ics rang­ing from the new Dart­mouth Cen­ter for Health Care De­liv­ery Sci­ence to higher ed­u­ca­tion in Korea.

Char­lie Rose is slated to mod­er­ate the up­com­ing Re­pub­li­can de­bate on cam­pus. In re­sponse to Rose's ques­tion about the top­ics that should be ad­dressed dur­ing the Re­pub­li­can ex­trav­a­ganza, Kim said he'd ask can­di­dates about their plan for ad­dress­ing is­sues of health care cost equal­ity. It'll be in­ter­est­ing to see if Rose brings this up dur­ing the ac­tual de­bates.

The Dartmouth Web Staff