Bachmann loves N.H.

By Felicia Schwartz, The Dartmouth Staff | 10/10/11 3:03pm



Associated Press

Michele Bach­mann has a crush on New Hamp­shire. Can you blame her? We Dart­mouth stu­dents are for­tu­nate enough to go to school in one of the most ex­cit­ing states to vote in and live in (no seat­belts, no sales tax, no prob­lem).

She told the As­so­ci­ated Press on Sun­day that she wants to be our num­ber one.

"I want to be your sweet­heart here in New Hamp­shire, so I'm going to be here com­pet­ing and hope­fully suc­cess­fully for that spot," she said.

Will Bach­mann cap­ture the hearts of Dart­mouth stu­dents and our great state? Only time will tell. Good luck Michele. Here at Dart­mouth we like to play hard to get.

Felicia Schwartz, The Dartmouth Staff