Students read in remembrance of Holocaust

By Sam Rauschenfels, The Dartmouth Staff | 5/3/11 5:31pm

Decades after the end of the World War II and thou­sands of miles from its in­fa­mous con­cen­tra­tion camps, one Dart­mouth stu­dent has worked tire­lessly to make sure the Jew­ish vic­tims of the Holo­caust are never for­got­ten.

For the past three years, An­drey Dolinko '11 has brought the in­ter­na­tional day of re­mem­brance for the Jew­ish vic­tims of the Holo­caust to the Col­lege. Armed with a com­puter and a mi­cro­phone, Dolinko and a group of vol­un­teers spent seven hours on the Col­lis porch read­ing the names of 6,400 Jew­ish Holo­caust vic­tims, Dolinko said. The names rep­re­sented "one-tenth of one per­cent of the num­ber of Jews who were killed," Dolinko said. "This started be­cause my grand­fa­ther was a sur­vivor and I de­cided to or­ga­nize his fam­ily's names," he said.

Cel­e­brated on the an­niver­sary of the day of the War­saw ghetto up­ris­ing in the Jew­ish cal­en­dar, Yom HaShoah — as the Holo­caust Re­mem­brance Day is known in He­brew — in­vokes the mem­ory of the mil­lions of Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis, ac­cord­ing to Dolinko. A list of the names of vic­tims is com­plied by Yad Vashem, the Holo­caust mu­seum in Jerusalem, and dis­trib­uted around the world to be read in memo­riam, Dolinko said. Dolinko said he has or­ga­nized the event an­nu­ally since his sopho­more year at Dart­mouth. He began this year by reach­ing out to stu­dents across cam­pus for names and bi­o­graph­i­cal
in­for­ma­tion of any of their rel­a­tives who per­ished in the Holo­caust, he said.

Thir­teen stu­dents sub­mit­ted the names of 161 vic­tims, which were listed on a poster hung up dur­ing the memo­r­ial, Dolinko said. After the name read­ing, a short memo­r­ial ser­vice or­ga­nized by Saul Ze­bovitz '11 was held on the Green. At­ten­dees re­ceived pro­grams that in­cluded the sto­ries of sev­eral vic­tims and a se­ries of prayers, ac­cord­ing to Ze­bovitz. Ze­bovitz said he in­cluded "the prayer that is said by mourn­ers when they are mourn­ing loved ones." Ze­bovitz also in­cluded an­other ver­sion of that prayer typ­i­cally heard only at fu­ner­als be­cause the vast ma­jor­ity of Holo­caust vic­tims never re­ceived a proper bur­ial. "In a sense this is their fu­neral," he said.

Sam Rauschenfels, The Dartmouth Staff