
By Kelsey Johnson | 10/21/10 11:16am



Stephanie Han / The Dartmouth Senior Staff

I’m going to start this week’s blog out with a quote, “…it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep mov­ing for­ward, how much can you take and keep mov­ing for­ward. That's how win­ning is done!” –Rocky Bal­boa.

We hoped that get­ting hit hard and loos­ing to Co­lum­bia two week­ends ago would help us move for­ward and win this last week­end. Alas, Penn and Prince­ton proved too much for Rocky’s in­spi­ra­tional quote. Both of these teams have proven over and over again to be Ivy League pow­er­houses, so the losses weren’t hor­ri­ble. The road trip it­self how­ever WAS hor­ri­ble… 14 total hours in a bus. I often wish I was one of those peo­ple who could pass out on buses/cars/air­planes, but un­less I drug my­self (what’s up, Be­nadryl!), sleep just won’t come. So while most of my team was passed out on the six and a half hour drive down to Penn, I watched Fri­day Night Lights. Not the ut­terly dis­ap­point­ing movie, but the heart wrench­ing, adren­a­line pump­ing, full of sex­ual ten­sion TV show. You can truly lose your­self on a bus watch­ing six straight hours of a TV show, es­pe­cially a GREAT show like Fri­day Night Lights. For the first time I ex­pe­ri­enced the feel­ing of ac­tu­ally know­ing the char­ac­ters. (In high school, this was the same feel­ing I de­spised hear­ing my car­pool group recre­ate as they picked apart last night’s episode of The O.C. every morn­ing) I be­came so caught up in the thoughts and feel­ings of Tim Rig­gins that when we fi­nally ar­rived at the hotel the work that I was sup­posed to have been doing had never hap­pened. Ap­par­ently it never would hap­pen ei­ther. I ar­rived back on cam­pus Sat­ur­day night hav­ing done ab­solutely noth­ing since we had left Thurs­day af­ter­noon after spend­ing 14 hours dri­ving. (I will con­tinue to blame my lack of pro­duc­tiv­ity on my easy abil­ity to get car sick, not my ad­dic­tion to Fri­day Night Lights).

So after that lovely ex­pe­ri­ence, I could not be hap­pier that we have two home games this week­end! Fri­day night is es­pe­cially ex­cit­ing be­cause it is our an­nual Dig Pink game. Dig Pink is the name of the breast can­cer aware­ness rally that takes place in gyms all over the coun­try dur­ing breast can­cer aware­ness month (Oc­to­ber). Oc­to­ber has so many great things going on it… I mean Hal­loween plus breast can­cer aware­ness? Why yes, I would love to stuff my face with candy corn AND ‘Save Sec­ond Base’ in the same month! But se­ri­ously it’s awe­some and if you are read­ing this you should come. There are AWE­SOME prizes from an iPad to a $200 Best Buy Gift Card. You get a free ticket for the prize raf­fle for sim­ply wear­ing pink!

This week­end we are look­ing to RE­ALLY take Mis­ter Rocky Bal­boa’s quote to heart and move for­ward with two big wins ver­sus Brown and Yale. As a se­nior I am start­ing to freak out be­cause I am down to my last four home games, EVER. Nos­tal­gia is slowly creep­ing up on me, and I am still in sea­son! I have re­solved to try to live in the mo­ment, as cliché as that sounds, which is caus­ing me to rel­ish rather silly things like the feel­ing of throw­ing your­self on the floor to get a ball (I cur­rently have a large rasp­berry on my upper thigh due to this that I am rather proud of, but you should re­ally see Amber Bryant’s bruise. It’s im­pres­sive for a non-con­tact sport).

Recap: Watch Fri­day Night Lights, Come sup­port breast can­cer, Win prizes, Help pre­vent me from be­com­ing too nos­tal­gic. See you next week.

Kelsey Johnson