Walker ’10 to appear on ‘Jeopardy!’

By Ann Baum, The Dartmouth Staff | 12/29/09 2:55pm



Courtesy Of Jeopardy.Com


When it comes to lu­cra­tive part-time jobs, Ash­ley Walker ’10 may have hit the jack­pot.

While study­ing for fi­nals in the stacks this fall, Walker saw that she had missed a call from an out-of-state num­ber. Al­though she ini­tially as­sumed it was from a tele­mar­keter, that call turned out to be an in­vi­ta­tion to ap­pear on the “Jeop­ardy!” col­lege cham­pi­onship.

"But then I had to re­turn to study­ing be­cause it was right at the be­gin­ning of fi­nals,” Walker said in an in­ter­view with The Dart­mouth.

Walker said she had pre­vi­ously ap­plied to be a con­tes­tant on both the adult and col­lege “Jeop­ardy!” shows. She took an on­line test and was later se­lected for an in-per­son in­ter­view in Boston.

“I didn’t re­ally ex­pect it to go any­where,” she said. “It worked out, so that was ex­cit­ing.”

Walker said she has been prepar­ing by watch­ing pre­vi­ous episodes of “Jeop­ardy!” and study­ing Wikipedia, along with re­view­ing his­tory and sci­ence books.

“You never know what’s going to be on,” she said. “You just study as much as you can and hope it works out in those 30 min­utes.”

Study­ing ar­cane trivia, how­ever, is noth­ing new for Walker, who is a mem­ber of Dart­mouth’s Col­lege Bowl team.

“I’d al­ready been in­ter­ested in this sort of aca­d­e­mic trivia thing,” she said.

Con­tes­tants often en­counter dif­fi­cul­ties when they ring in to an­swer a ques­tion, Walker said. By ring­ing in too early, a con­tes­tant is locked out of a ques­tion, mak­ing it im­por­tant to wait until the final word is read aloud.

“I’ve been watch­ing [the show] and try­ing to prime my­self for the end of the ques­tion,” she said.

Walker said she has watched the show with her fam­ily since she “was a kid,” though not re­li­giously.

The cham­pi­onship, to be taped dur­ing the first week of Jan­u­ary, will not air until Feb­ru­ary.

“I’m tech­ni­cally not sup­posed to tell any­one about how I did,” Walker said.

Ann Baum, The Dartmouth Staff