Alum. to challenge Leahy in Vermont

By Katie Paxton, The Dartmouth Staff | 12/2/09 1:51pm

Courtesy Of Len Britton.Com

There may not be a big­ger chal­lenge out there.
Leonard Brit­ton Adv ’83 an­nounced on Mon­day that he will seek the Re­pub­li­can nom­i­na­tion for the U.S. Sen­ate in Ver­mont, going up against six-term in­cum­bent Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.
"If ever there were an anti-in­cum­bency mood in this coun­try, and in this state, and we know that from talk­ing with Ver­mon­ters al­ready, this is it," Brit­ton told WPTZ.
Brit­ton said he will focus on em­ploy­ment, na­tional se­cu­rity and sus­tain­able gov­ern­ment bud­get poli­cies in his cam­paign.
A self-de­scribed "com­mon sense re­pub­li­can,” Brit­ton said he is con­cerned about the fed­eral bailout plan and the war in Afghanistan in an in­ter­view with WPTZ. The U.S. Sen­ate should re­ject the cur­rent health care re­form bill on the grounds that it will gain sen­a­tors votes, but not solve prob­lems, Brit­ton told WPTZ.
The owner of a hard­ware and lum­ber com­pany in Ver­mont, Brit­ton re­ceived a grad­u­ate de­gree in film stud­ies from Dart­mouth. He pur­sued his­tory, po­lit­i­cal sci­ence and com­mu­ni­ca­tions at the Uni­ver­sity of Ver­mont, ac­cord­ing to his cam­paign web site.
“Meet Len Brit­ton” from LenBritton.​com:​

Katie Paxton, The Dartmouth Staff