A big day for Dartmouth governance

By The Dartmouth Web Staff | 12/3/09 1:55pm



Chris Parker / The Dartmouth Staff

While Dart­mouth gov­er­nance con­tro­ver­sies have not made ban­ner head­lines in quite some time, that may change on Fri­day.


At 9 a.m., the Grafton County Su­pe­rior Court will play host to a hear­ing for the alumni law­suit against the Col­lege’s Board of Trustees. The suit, you’ll re­call, is the sec­ond legal chal­lenge to the Board’s fall 2007 de­ci­sion to in­crease its size, end­ing the bal­ance be­tween the num­ber of trustees se­lected by the Board and elected by alumni.


At 10:25 a.m., the Alumni Coun­cil will vote on whom to nom­i­nate for the two va­cant alumni-elected po­si­tions on the Board of Trustees, mark­ing the be­gin­ning of what will likely be sev­eral months of con­tentious cam­paign­ing. Alumni will still have the op­por­tu­nity to enter the race via pe­ti­tion.


The Dart­mouth will be pro­vid­ing up­dates on both events through­out the day. Stay tuned.
Re­lated Ar­ti­cles:
Zy­wicki ’88 files am­i­cus brief in alumni law­suit More»
Alumni file new brief in suit against the Col­lege More»
Sum­mary judg­ment sought in alumni suit More»

The Dartmouth Web Staff