The turkey trot line-up

By Brendan Lynch Salamon, The Dartmouth Staff | 11/23/09 1:21pm

Courtesy Of Jon Harder (Cc)

It’s very nearly Thanks­giv­ing, and along with overeat­ing and watch­ing foot­ball, that means the an­nual ar­rival of a slew of na­tion­ally broad­cast hol­i­day pa­rades, in all their highly col­ored, over­long and lip-sync­ing glory.
Check out your op­tions below.
Macy’s Thanks­giv­ing Day Pa­rade
Tied for Amer­ica’s sec­ond-old­est Turkey Day pa­rade (1924), New York City’s ex­trav­a­ganza is cer­tainly the most fa­mous of them all, due in part to the shame­less plug that is “Mir­a­cle on 34th Street” (1947). The pa­rade route avoids Broad­way this year, snaking along Cen­tral Park West and South be­fore head­ing for Times Square.

Amer­ica’s Thanks­giv­ing Pa­rade
With the aus­pi­cious dis­tinc­tion of hav­ing no cor­po­rate spon­sor­ships, De­troit’s an­nual salute to Thanks­giv­ing also began in 1924. In­stead of de­pend­ing on large con­glom­er­ates, this tra­di­tion is over­seen by The Pa­rade Group, a local, non­profit or­ga­ni­za­tion.

6abc IKEA Thanks­giv­ing Day Pa­rade
Bla­tantly slap­ping on the brand logos of IKEA, ACME stores, Hess, Dodge, Sony, Camp­bell’s, Frito Lay and Mount Airy Casino and Re­sort on floats and of­fi­cial lit­er­a­ture, this pa­rade wins the award for cor­po­rate spon­sor­ships. Philadel­phia’s pa­rade also boasts the title of old­est Thanks­giv­ing Day pa­rade in the na­tion, dat­ing back to 1920. The pa­rade, this year, runs from the cor­ner of 20th and JFK to Eakins Oval.

Mc­Don­ald’s Thanks­giv­ing Pa­rade
This cel­e­bra­tion helps to bring the Thanks­giv­ing spirit to the Windy City. Run­ning through a slew of tit­u­lar spon­sors in its 75-year his­tory — among them Brach’s Con­fec­tions, Mar­shall Field’s and the Tar­get Cor­po­ra­tion — this will be the pa­rade’s fourth con­sec­u­tive year under the fast-food yoke.

Brendan Lynch Salamon, The Dartmouth Staff