The Ivy Lede

By Grace Afsari-Mamagani | 11/23/09 1:25pm

Zach Ingbretsen / The Dartmouth Staff

The day’s head­lines from across the Ivy League.

Zohar Atkins, a se­nior at Brown Uni­ver­sity dou­ble-ma­jor­ing in clas­sics and Ju­daic stud­ies, was cho­sen as one of 32 U.S. re­cip­i­ents of the 2010 Rhodes Schol­ar­ship. Atkins, who cur­rently leads weekly po­etry classes at a Rhode Is­land max­i­mum-se­cu­rity prison, will use the schol­ar­ship to pur­sue a doc­tor­ate at the Uni­ver­sity of Ox­ford. More»
Three years after a pay eq­uity study began at Co­lum­bia Uni­ver­sity, re­sults are once again de­layed, wor­ry­ing pro­fes­sors. More»
Cor­nell Uni­ver­sity ad­min­is­tra­tors will work to cut 15 per­cent from the in­sti­tu­tion’s Col­lege of En­gi­neer­ing bud­get. More»
Har­vard Uni­ver­sity emerged at the top of the list of in­sti­tu­tions with the most 2010 Rhodes Schol­ars from the United States, as five of its un­der­grad­u­ates were of­fered the award. More»
Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia sopho­more Alex Ryles, an urban stud­ies major, died on Sun­day, just one week be­fore his 20th birth­day. More»
Ama­zon chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer Jeff Bezos, a mem­ber of the Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Class of 1986, will de­liver the uni­ver­sity’s bac­calau­re­ate ad­dress on May 30. More»
The Yale School of Med­i­cine will re­spond to a let­ter sub­mit­ted by Sen. Charles Grass­ley, R-Iowa, crit­i­ciz­ing re­search ar­ti­cle ghost­writ­ing poli­cies by Dec. 8. More»

Grace Afsari-Mamagani