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The Dartmouth
June 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Criticism demands debate

To the Editor:

A number of recent letters in The Dartmouth ("Diversity of Vision Matters," Feb. 7)have suggested that there is an unwritten speech code on campus because outspoken individuals and organizations on campus have been criticized for their views, implying that criticism is an attempt to force their silence.

This represents a fundamental misunderstanding of what freedom of speech really means. Yes, people certainly have the right to express their opinion even if it is controversial. But other individuals in the community have a right to respond with reactions other than acclaim. Ideally that disagreement will be civil, but free speech isn't always pretty.

Anyone who states a strong opinion must be prepared to defend and debate their ideas in the classroom, in the office or from the soapbox. If they have the courage of their convictions, they should be willing to face their critics. I won't suggest that this is easy, but criticism and debate usually refines and improves ideas.