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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Green Key Issue

What is Green Key? This weekend does differ from the other big party weekends. In the fall, students rally around the bonfire while building the ice sculpture marks the arrival of Winter Carnival.

However, there is no consenus on what the central focus of this weekend is. But does it even matter? We don't think so. After surviving the harsh Hanover winter, the arrival of spring is reason enough for anyone to celebrate.

Whether you listen to one of the numerous bands playing on campus, fill up at a free barbecue, play outdoors with some friends or enjoy a cold drink, just make sure you have a good time.

Alumni reminisence about the wacky ways in which they celebrated Green Key and still share tales 50 years later. Make this weekend the one you'll tell stories about, even after you've left Dartmouth behind.