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The Dartmouth
August 31, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Through the Years

August 27, 1799

The first issue of the Dartmouth Gazette, the predecessor to The Dartmouth, is published. The newspaper is edited by Daniel Webster, Class of 1801, for an entire year. John Wheelock, son of Eleazer Wheelock, is president of the College at the time.

June 1820

The demise of the Gazette leads to the beginning of The Dartmouth Herald. The Herald emphasizes local and College news.

November 1839

The Dartmouth Herald folds. November of 1839 marks the beginning of The Dartmouth as it is known today.


The editors decide to cease publication of The Dartmouth.


The Dartmouth is resurrected again. Articles cover local and College news, and also target alumni interests.

September 1875

The Dartmouth goes weekly, becoming the only weekly college newspaper in New England.


The editorial board of The Dartmouth becomes self-selective. Editors are no longer chosen by the outgoing senior class.

May 4, 1914

Fire destroys The Dartmouth's press building at the corner of Main and Allen Street. The Dartmouth temporarily moves into College Hall, currently known as Collis Center.


Ernest Martin Hopkins is inaugurated president of the College. Hopkins will later battle with the editors over news and editorial content in The Dartmouth.


The Dartmouth becomes a daily publication.

June 19, 1943 - March 1945

The lack of students on campus due to World War II efforts causes The Dartmouth cease daily publication. In its place, the Dartmouth Log is published weekly until March 1945, when The Dartmouth resumes normal publication.

April 25, 1935

Through the wee hours of the night, towering flames gut Dartmouth Hall. A headline in The Dartmouth the next morning says the College "denies" arson, based on a report by the College's superintendent. The headline runs contradictory to what many suspect is the work of an arsonist.

April 29, 1953

The rumors of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's visit are confirmed by national news services. The front page headline screams 'Ike Here Commencement.'

January 26, 1965

Malcolm X warns a packed Spaulding auditorium that 1965 will be "the longest, hottest, bloodiest summer." One month later, on February 21, 1965, Malcolm X is assassinated during a Harlem rally.

April 22, 1969

More than 200 anti-ROTC protesters seize Parkhurst, urging administrators to ban ROTC from the College.

November 22, 1971

Trumpeting the most significant change to the College during the 20th century, the six-column, front-page headline of The Dartmouth blares, 'Dartmouth to Admit Women.'


Anne Bagamery '78 becomes the first female editor-in-chief of The Dartmouth. Since Bagamery, there have been nine women who have served in the newspaper's top position. The most recent was Erin Loback '99.

February 9, 1999

College President James Wright and the Board of Trustees circulate an ambiguously worded letter outlining the landmark social and residential life initiative that alludes to the end of the single-sex Greek system at Dartmouth. The next morning, February 10, 1999, the five-column headline in all capitals reads, 'Trustees to end Greek System 'as we know it,' send the campus into a frenzy.