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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Macneill enjoys new job, new marriage, dog

Married this July and starting a new job here at the College, Assistant Director of the Collis Center Amy Macneill has had a whirlwind couple of months.

"The past six months have been crazy, but in a great way," she said. "Things have really worked out wonderfully."

Macneill had her first official day as the new assistant director of the Collis Center last Monday.

Macneill originally took on her current position on a temporary basis late this August, acting as day manager while the search for a new director to replace Carrie Bergeron proceeded.

Bergeron left the College at the end of August to move to North Carolina to pursue other interests.

Director of the Collis Center and Student Activities Mark Hoffman later asked Macneill to join the interview list.

Macneill and four other candidates endured a series of interviews with students and administrators in October, and Hoffman then offered her the permanent position at the end of the month.

The transition was an easy one, Macneill said. "I'm literally doing the same thing I've been doing the past three months."

Macneill said her daily responsibilities involve managing the daily operations of the building.

She checks to see that the Common Ground is set up for the event scheduled for the day and that the TV lounge is up and running. She also works with student groups who want to reserve rooms in the building.

"But truthfully, my main responsibility is overseeing student managers, the info desk and the tech crew," she said.

This is the aspect of the job Macneill said she enjoys the most. "I feel so fortunate to be working here. The students are so open and welcoming."

She also expressed enthusiasm for all the changes that are taking place at the Collis Center, like the extended building hours, the Big Green Bean coffeehouse and the Midnight Express.

"I'm glad the College has made student life a priority in terms of activities at night," Macneill said. "We are so happy that we can provide students with some new and different options."

She has made an impression on the students as well. "She's very vivacious and energetic," said Anthony Hatch '98, one of the Collis student managers.

"I think she's kinda cool," Hatch said. "I've seen a few in her position come and go, and she's definitely someone I feel comfortable working with."

Macneill only recently moved to Hanover this May. She joined her fiance Brandon Macneill, who had started the month before as assistant director of athletics for marketing and promotions at the College. The two were married in July.

Macneill and her husband share their Dartmouth housing apartment with their one-year-old puppy. Coach, who is half-Great Dane, half-Walker Hound, was rescued by the couple from the Upper Valley humane society.

Her biggest hobby outside of her College duties, Macneill said, is taking Coach to obedience class. "He is our child," she said.

Born in Augusta, Ga., Macneill moved several times as a child. She lived in Akon, S.C., for the longest stretch -- eight years -- and so that is generally where she says she is from.

She says as terrible as moving so often was, she feels the experience was worthwhile. "I think from moving so many times in your life, you really learn to be open with people and to drop any fronts that you may hold up," she said. "I think that it has helped develop my personality in many ways."

Macneill majored in fashion merchandising at the University of Maryland at College Park as an undergraduate. She worked for both Ann Taylor and Britches Great Outdoors before becoming involved with higher education. Macneill's first position was as assistant director of admissions at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., where she met her husband.

The two moved to Storrs, Conn., where they both attended the University of Connecticut's graduate school. Macneill received her master's degree in higher educational administration this May.

As for the future, Macneill said she would like to stay involved in student affairs. "I really love working with students. This is the perfect opportunity to do so, and I'd like to continue that as long as possible."