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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Information on Definition of High-Risk Drinking Will Be Available to All Who Seek It

To the Editor:

In the session on the CCAOD recommendations on Nov. 13th, a question was asked about what constitutes a high-risk drinking environment. While I cannot answer the part of the question which deals with how the CCAOD feels high-risk drinking is described, I can share with the community the information I have presented to the CCAOD to assist them in their thinking about alcohol and college students. This information is nothing new to the community, as we have been providing this information from the various surveys on alcohol for the past four years I have been conducting this research at Dartmouth. In fact, Dartmouth is one of a very few schools which are very open with this information. Executive summaries from the surveys have been available from my office for years, and have been routinely shared with The Dartmouth and others. They have been available on my web page for some time, and I have presented the information in countless campus sessions.

I would be glad to present this information to those who are interested, and right after tonight's session started making plans with the Student Assembly as to the best way to do this. My hesitation to get into such a lengthy topic at the CCAOD session should not be viewed as a purposeful ducking of the issue, but rather a recognition that it was not a planned part of the night's discussion. It would have been a disservice to all those present to have tried to rattle off a few "factoids" without time for discussion. I look forward to a more in-depth treatment in the near future.