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The Dartmouth
June 17, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

College continues search for two administrators

The College has started to sift through applications in its quest to find a new assistant dean of first-year students and a director of public affairs.

Dean of First-Year Students Peter Goldsmith said during Winter term, a search committee narrowed the pool of applicants for the assistant dean position to a short list of candidates. Goldsmith said the remaining candidates are scheduled to visit the College later this month.

Goldsmith said the search committee consists of "a range of people who have some significant knowledge of the office and an vested interest in the success of the office and its programs."

Goldsmith, who is the chair of the search committee, said he hopes to find a replacement by this summer.

Tony Tillman, the former assistant dean of first-year students, left the College in July to become the executive dean of student life at Drew University in Madison, N.J. French Professor Stephanie Hull has been serving as the interim dean.

The College is also seeking a replacement for former Director of College News Service Alex Huppe.

The office formerly known as the College News Service recently changed its name to the Office of Public Affairs.

Peter Gilbert, senior assistant to College President James Freedman, said the office changed its name "to reflect the responsibilities of the office that deals with not just the media, but also with public affairs and communication issues."

Gilbert is the chair of the search committee for the director of public affairs position. The director of public affairs will serve as the official College spokesperson and as the liaison between the College president and the media, according to a national advertisement that publicized the open position.

Gilbert said the search committee for the position is in the process of narrowing down a pool of 175 applicants.

Gilbert said he hopes to find a new director by spring or early summer.

Huppe, former director of the News Service, left the College in October to become director of public affairs at Harvard University. Roland Adams currently is serving as acting director.