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The Dartmouth
June 17, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Freedman's book hits the bookstores

President of the College James Freedman's new book of essays, "Idealism and Liberal Education," is now on the bookshelves at The Dartmouth Bookstore.

The book, much of which Freedman wrote during his sabbatical last year, is an autobiography of Freedman's intellectual career in the world of higher education.

The book consists of a collection of essays which are grouped into three sections: Life and Letters, Content and Character in Liberal Education and Models for Shaping a Life.

Domenic Calaiacomo, a Dartmouth Bookstore manager, said the book is selling well. He said 15 of the store's 150 copies have been sold since the book was released last week.

In his book, Freedman "describes how, in the midst of undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, liberal education helped him in that most human of desires -- the yearning to make order and sense out of his experience," according to the publishers press release.

The University of Michigan Press published Freedman's book.

Derek Bok, the former president of Harvard University said, in Freedman's book, he " reveals himself again as one of America's most erudite, articulate, and reflective university presidents," in a review printed on the book's jacket.

Brown University President Vartan Gregorian is quoted on the book's jacket as calling the collection "a tribute to the joy of learning."

The book's first section is an autobiographical sketch of Freedman's childhood and college years. He also describes his experiences as an educator and as an academic administrator.

In the next series of essays, Freedman proclaims the value of liberal education, saying it is crucial for the teaching of values.

One essay includes a defense of affirmative action in the admission processes of institutions.

The book's final third profiles historical figures Freedman believes to exemplify excellence in character and who should serve as role models. Among those included are civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, author Flannery O'Connor and President Harry Truman.

Idealism and Liberal Education, which has a picture of Freedman on its blue-gray cover, is on display at the information desk at the Dartmouth Bookstore. The book can also be found in the Hanover Room downstairs, with the History and Philosophy of Education titles.

Colaiacomo said the influx of alumni during Commencement and Reunion weekend should mean increasing sales for Freedman's book, since graduates will want to learn what is new at the College.

Freedman will be signing copies of his book February 10, the Saturday of Winter Carnival.