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The Dartmouth
June 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Weekend acapella concerts attract large audiences

A host of acapella groups took part in perhaps two of the largest concerts of the winter term this weekend.

The third annual "Rock the Rivah" festival hosted The Aires, The Dodecaphonics, The Decibelles and newcomers Final Cut on Friday night while a Saturday night in Brace Commons featured The Aires, The Dodecs and The Decibelles.

The Aires were their usual energetic selves on both nights, adopting a decidedly lighthearted approach to singing. Their skits blended in well with their diverse repertoire, which included arrangements of "In The Still of the Night," and Seal's "Kiss from a Rose."

The Dodecs, Decibelles and Final Cut also turned in strong performances. Especially noteworthy arrangements were The Dodecs' arrangement of "Karma Chameleon" and Final Cut's "Homeless." Both groups displayed a solid command over their repertoire, singing with enthusiasm, control and confidence.

Simon Tang '97 of The Dodecs commented, "'Rock the Rivah' was a great, informal get-together for all the acapella groups. There was a lot of interaction between the audience and the singers Friday night."