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The Dartmouth
June 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Haas, Newsam play standards and ballads

In a heartwarming concert at Faulkner Recital Hall, saxophonist and pianist Fred Haas along with guitarist David Newsam staged an impressive treatment of some unusual standards and ballads.

Their repertoire included two Brazilian pieces, two standards, a ballad, a blues piece, and a bebop piece. The unifying thread, however, in all these pieces was the tremendous technical and emotional fluency both Haas and Newsam played with.

Haas's facility with the tenor saxophone allows him to play a classic standard like "Like someone in love" and Antonio Carlos Jobim's Brazilian classic, "Wave," with equal ease and emotional color.

Several tenor players demonstrate dexterity and technique in one register. What sets Haas apart is the carefully developed tone with which he clearly outlines his musical ideas.

He has a unique style on ballads which produces a soft, "breathy" sound, similar to tenorman Stan Getz. On the faster numbers, he exhibits a clear and unforced tone which forms the basis for his long, singing melodic lines.

His style on the tenor translates almost directly to the piano. With a strong right hand, he voices his melodies effectively, always keeping a firm reference to the chords.

Newsam, who graduated cum laude from the Berklee School of Music, was as expressive as Haas on the electric guitar. Newsam, an experienced professional musician, has played with jazz greats like guitarist Jim Hall, pianist Dave McKenna, and trumpeter Clark Terry.

He blends his knowledge of contemporary and classical composition into his jazz playing, evident from songs like "Wave" and Luis Bonfa's "Black Orpheus." Both Haas and Newsam complement each other; neither is an aggressive musician. They are both sensitive and intelligent interpreters of the jazz idiom.

Haas and Newsam are currently teaching at the music department. Haas teaches jazz history, improvisation, jazz piano and saxophone. Newsam teaches guitar.