Student Blog Highlights Adventures in United Arab Emirates

By Jessica Zischke, The Dartmouth Staff | 10/17/13 4:00am

Many Dartmouth students have the experience of completing fascinating research or travelling the world and having thrilling adventures. Tanya Budler ’15 belongs to the latter group and is currently studying at the American University in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

In order to document and share her experiences, Budler has been updating a travel blog titled UAE & Me. Whether she’s cataloguing her experiences with daily temperatures above 100 degrees or giving insight into the traditional Arab culture she is now a part of, Budler makes reading about her latest activities a true joy.

As Budler states in her post “Calm after the Storm,” she is taking five courses while in Sharjah: “Arabic-Islamic Culture and Civilization,” “Media Arabic,” “Social Context of Arabic,” “Politics of Arabian States” and “Introduction to Translation.” She is also playing for the volleyball team.

Many of her updates focus on lessons Budler has been learning along the way, both inside and outside the classroom. In the post “Life Lessons via Losing and Getting Lost” she gives the insightful advice that sometimes what you need to do in life is simply live, rather than examine and analyze situations.

Whether you’re suffering from wanderlust or just need to have your feet put back on the ground, Budler’s blog will deliver just the right amount of travelling tales and vital lessons.

Jessica Zischke, The Dartmouth Staff